Saturday, October 24, 2009


LEAP: Leave … Existing … 2 … Achieve … Purpose.

When I think of "leap" my mind conjures up the image of standing on one side of a chasm and looking at jumping across to the other side. The "chasm" can be a representation of what stands between us moving from where we are today to where we need to be. So the question is: "How do we embrace the leap we need to take?"

Part of what helps us take a LEAP is to look at the benefits of leaping. If we view the LEAP as an opportunity to LEAVE the EXISTING in order to ACHIEVE a specific PURPOSE we can be more motivated to "jump". What perhaps is the most intimidating is when we LEAP into the unknown. However, if we a have PURPOSE in mind that helps us ACHIEVE our goal, then our willingness to LEAVE our EXISTING situation is increased. So the key to "leaping" is to have a goal you are seeking to accomplish. You might see this as a way of connecting to the axiom: "look before you leap".

Are you ready to take a LEAP?

Signing off for now - LD Guy from MN

1 comment:

  1. This is great however the problem is that too many 'leaders' don't lead and in times of difficulty spend their time blaming others instead of encouraging success. Progression only occurs if the leader leads and encourages creativity, thinking, innovation and success.
