Tuesday, October 20, 2009


TIME: Today … Include … Moments … of … Encouragement

It seems one of the topics I "talk" about on a regular basis is "time". I might mention … Where does the time go? … or … If only I had enough time. … or … When would be a good time for us to talk about this? Each of us deals with the same time paradigm … 24 hours a day … 60 minutes in an hour … etc. So how do we make the best use of our time?

If we think about TIME in the context of TODAY being a time where I can INCLUDE MOMENTS of ENCOURAGEMENT this could prove to be a good use of our TIME. I have discovered for myself that time spent encouraging others virtually always reaps rewards. A caveat is that the encouragement needs to be authentic for it to have more than just a short term impact.

Encouraging others can lift their spirits. It can empower them to go beyond where they are today and to reach for new heights. It is simply encouraging to see the influence encouragement can have on people's lives.

So do you have a little TIME to spare? Can you make TIME today to encourage others? TIME's awaiting …

Signing off for now - LD Guy from MN


  1. Time spent encouraging others reaps rewards. I agree. Even if it is only the reward of building up another member of the human race and making the world a better place. I'm doubly blessed if I know their lives were impacted for more than a few moments. It happens. Words have power.

  2. Thanks Anne for taking the TIME to share your thoughts. You are so right about "Words having Power" and we can use words to build up or destroy. I see you seek to build up and that is where I want to focus as well. Thanks Anne!
