Thursday, October 15, 2009


BEST: Becoming … Energized … & … Striving … 4 … Transformation

I remember growing up and being told by parents that what they wanted me to do was "to do my Best". I therefore have been fascinated with the concept of "Best" for a long time. BEST starts out by focusing on BECOMING … moving from the "is" to the "what we want to be". This process is aided by us being ENERGIZED. The end result is accomplished by STRIVING for TRANSFORMATION. The transformation is the result of the change we are seeking to bring about. So when we explore the concept of BEST we pursue this through transformation resulting in a degree of "excellence" that can be seen by ourselves and others.

Will you embrace the idea of BEST? Do you want to be known for giving it your BEST? By being at your BEST will it bring forth transformation in your life?

I wish you all the BEST!

Signing off for now - LD Guy from MN

1 comment:

  1. I'm beginning to write some of your backronyms in my growth journal to inspire me throughout the day. "BEST" is definitely a "keeper"! One of my "core values" is "excellence" and while that was getting a little stale as a concept, "BEST" gave it life again! Thanks so much for your work Dave.
