Saturday, October 10, 2009


To start out let me say a brief word about the title of this Blog. I work in the Leadership Development department of a corporation in Minnesota. So I chose the title of the blog to reflect that. I am a Leadership Development (LD) Guy from Minnesota (MN). Not very creative, but at least it is unique.

So today's Backronym is:
COACH: Calling … Out … Actions … that … Change … Habits.

When I think about the role of a coach I recognize they are many facets to what they do: listen, encourage, ask questions, provide recommendations, etc. But fundamentally I believe coaches help us bring about change. Sometimes the change is about creating something new and sometimes the change is modifying something we have been doing for a long time (e.g. changing a habit). So a coach can be viewed as a "change agent" for us by helping us to see (i.e. calling out) actions we can look to change to help us grow as a person.

So I would encourage you to think about the word COACH and consider how you can be a coach or how you can be coached by others.

If you have coaching experiences you would like to share I would invite you to write them as a comment to this post.

Signing off for now - LD Guy from MN


  1. When I think of people who I most aspire to be like, they were my "coaches" and I didn't even know it at the time! They lived their values and they had integrity. They noticed me, and they were gently respectful of my being. They encouraged the next step I was about to take before I fully knew that I was about to take it! Coaches see deeper than the "what is" all the way into the "diamond" buried deep with layers of mud and stone. They trust their keen spiritual perception and act gracefully upon it.

  2. My concept of Otheresteem came from thinking about the coaching relationship! The most important thing a coach can do to bring about change in the direction you want is to expect that you can do it. A good coach will see you as what you are becoming and will trust in your ability to change even before you are sure you can do it. Just as Thomas was saying in his comment, we all remember people that did this for us and they left lasting transformations in our lives. Congratulations on your thoughtful post, Dave, and your blog.
